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Monday, March 28, 2016

Last class we re-plated our "competent" E-coli cells, so that even if our E-coli cells aren't competent, we can still have a living E-coli culture to work with in the future. However, our E-coli didn't grow. There may be two reasons for this. The first is that our fridge isn't a -80 fridge, it only goes down to -20 degrees in theory. The fridge may be cycling from warm to cold, so our bacteria thaws and refreezes, which would kill the E-coli. To fix this, we are going to ask UVa's iGEM team for a living E-coli culture. Today, we also started work on our BioTrek Abstract. We swabbed the lab and put the swab on an LB plate to make sure that the plate's weren't the reason why the bacteria aren't growing.

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